
Data protection policy

How we handle your personal data

In order to provide you with our services, we need to process your personal data. We protect your privacy and do not collect more data than we need. We never sell your data to third parties. It is important that you read and understand our data protection policy before ordering or using our services. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, you can always contact us at By ordering or using Adxto services, you accept our data protection policy and our processing of your personal data. You also agree to Adxto using electronic communication channels to communicate and send information to you. Here we explain how we collect and use your personal data. We also describe what rights you have.

Collection and use of data

This data protection policy covers all data we collect, for example from websites, social media, contact by phone or email and at events/fairs. We may combine personal data collected in one way (e.g. a website) with personal data collected in another way (e.g. on courses).

Information you provide to us
You may directly or indirectly provide us with information about yourself and your company in a number of different ways, such as when you order our services or contact us on our website, when you contact us by email, letter or phone, when you register for a course, meeting, seminar or similar, when you sign up to receive newsletters or interact on our social media. This information can be:


-Personal and contact information -name, address information, email address, mobile phone number, your professional role, your workplace.

- Payment information- billing address, reference person, other billing information.


Information we collect about you
When you get in touch with us, we may collect information about (please note that we do not always necessarily collect all the data listed below):

- Personal and contact information -name, billing and delivery address, email address, mobile phone number, your professional role, your place of work.

- Information on services and deliverables- details of the services you subscribe to or buy, e.g. ongoing consultancy services, assignments, projects or training courses and newsletters you read.

- Financial information- creditworthiness

- Historical information -past purchases, attendance at trainings and meetings, payment history.

- Device information -e.g. IP address, language settings, browser settings, time zone, geographical information, operating system, platform and screen resolution (via statistical tools and newsletter systems).


The information you give us is necessary either to enter into a contractual relationship with us, or for other purposes. For example, it may be to enable us to improve our information and services to you or to fulfill our mission and commitments to you as a customer. Personal data is only processed in exceptional cases for specific services that require legitimate identity. You can also read more about how we use cookies in our cookie policy.

What do we do with the information?

Providing, performing and improving our services
All data is used to provide, perform and improve our services to our customers. Here you can see what data we process, in what situations and what legal basis we support our use. Data marked with * means that the data is voluntary and we only collect it if you have chosen to provide it to us in text or over the phone.

When you order products, services, training and sign contracts with us

Legal basis: Performing our contractual obligations towards you.

Category of data Personal data
Company details
Company/Organization, Organization number, Address details, Billing information
Contact details
Name, Professional role, Email, Phone number, *Special diet, *Notification
Service and product information
Service information, Product information, Training information

When you contact us via web form

Legal basis: Performance of our contractual obligations towards you and Legitimate interest.

Category of data Personal data
Contact details
Name, Professional role, Email, Phone number
Company details
Case information

When you contact us by email and phone

Legal basis: Performance of our contractual obligations towards you and Legitimate interest.

Category of data Personal data
Contact details
Name, Title, Email, Phone number
Company details
Case information

When you receive information or offers from us via newsletter

Legal basis: Consent.

Category of data Personal data
Contact details
Name, E-mail

 When you are identifiable in images and videos we publish

Legal basis: Performance of our contractual obligations towards you or Legitimate Interest or Consent.

Category of data Personal data
Photographs, Mingle pictures, Video films

 When you participate in our quality monitoring and customer satisfaction surveys

Legal basis: Legitimate interest and Consent.

Category of data Personal data
Contact details
Company details
Case information
Answers and ratings, *Answers to questions in full text

Will we share your information?

We will never sell your personal data to third parties without your permission. Sometimes we share your personal data with suppliers or subcontractors in order to fulfill our commitments to you. We follow legal, technical and organizational requirements to keep your information safe. If Adxto or a substantial part of Adxto's assets are acquired by a third party, personal data about Adxto's customers may be shared with the third party in order to carry out the assignment.

Where do we process your personal data?

We aim to always store your personal data within the EU/EEA. However, in some situations it may be processed outside the EU/EEA by a third party, such as a technology provider or subcontractor. We will always take all reasonable legal, technical and organizational measures to ensure that your information is handled at the same level of protection offered within the EU/EEA.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We retain data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the information was collected, or to carry out our obligations and for as long as required by statutory retention periods, in particular for accounting requirements.

Your rights

- As a data subject, you have several rights that you should be aware of. 


- You have the right to request a register extract free of charge once a year. 


- You have the right to have your personal data rectified if it is inaccurate, incomplete or misleading and the right to restrict the processing of personal data until it is amended. 


- You have the right to be forgotten, but deletion of personal data cannot take place if it is required to fulfill the agreement or if other Swedish or European law, court or government decision says otherwise, and if it is based on legitimate interest. Should you think that there are no legitimate reasons or that the legitimate interest is incorrect, you have the right to object to the processing.


- You also have the right to withdraw consent, lodge a complaint about the processing with the Data Protection Authority and object to direct marketing.

Amendment of the data protection policy

We may update this privacy policy. We will notify you of any changes at and also inform you of the changes we have made to the privacy policy. You can always contact us if you want access to previous versions.

Contact us

We have a designated person responsible for data protection issues. If you have any questions about privacy and data protection, please contact us at

The data controller is Adxto AB with organization number: 556698-4505 Address: Birger Jarlsgatan 12, 114 34 Stockholm, Sweden Tel: +46 (0)8 729 97 30 

Adxto data protection policy was last updated on 2018-05-25 

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