
adxto care

Migraine treatment

Treatment of migraine with injections

Explore a treatment method for migraine and tension headaches that has been shown to be effective and fast-acting through injections. This method can provide relief from the symptoms of migraine attacks and may be an option for people who experience severe migraines with nausea or vomiting. Improvements can be observed within a time frame of three to seven days after treatment. We have had success in helping many people manage migraines and reduce the need for painkilling tablets. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us for more information.


Treatment with botulinum toxin type A (Botox®) injections for chronic migraine is a well-known option for some patients who have not had satisfactory results with other treatment methods. Botox® is a neurotoxin administered via injections and has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks in some individuals.


The effects on the treatment of chronic migraine

Studies and clinical research have investigated the effects of Botox® injections for the treatment of chronic migraine. A meta-analysis published in "The Journal of Headache and Pain" found that treatment with Botox® led to a significant reduction in the number of migraine days per month in some patients compared to placebo*.


It is important to note that the results of treatment with Botox® can vary between individuals, and not all patients experience the same degree of relief from their migraine symptoms. In addition, the treatment may have side effects and risks that patients should be aware of before deciding to undergo it.


In conclusion, treatment with Botox® injections may be a consideration for some patients with chronic migraine. However, it is important to discuss treatment options and expectations with a qualified physician before deciding on treatment.


* Meta-analysis of efficacy and safety of botulinum therapy for chronic migraine: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized double-blind controlled trials.

Price for migraine treatment

If you are diagnosed with a migraine, your medicine, Botox, is included in the high cost coverage. We look forward to helping you on your way to well-being and health! The price applies to new visits/assessments/re-visits.

Do you have any questions? Contact us on 08-716 12 25

2 500 kr / treatment

Explore more of our services

At Adxto Care, we specialize in medical treatments and patient support.

Tooth grinding

Experience a significant improvement in your oral health and overall well-being with our Botox treatments.

Adxto Aesthetics

Your place for professional and personalized care. We offer an advanced solution for hair loss - PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma).


We offer vaccination against shingles, pneumococcus, and TBE at our clinic in Stockholm.


We run an infusion clinic where patients are treated with drug infusions as prescribed by their doctor.

Medical checks

We carry out health tests, spirometry examinations, medical checks, issue certificates of fitness for service and take samples.

For healthcare providers

We offer healthcare providers the possibility to prescribe iron infusion drugs and have them administered at our infusion center.

Tooth grinding

Experience a significant improvement in your oral health and overall well-being with our Botox treatments.

Adxto Aesthetics

Your place for professional and personalized care. We offer an advanced solution for hair loss - PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma).


We offer vaccination against shingles, pneumococcus, and TBE at our clinic in Stockholm.


We run an infusion clinic where patients are treated with drug infusions as prescribed by their doctor.

Medical checks

We carry out health tests, spirometry examinations, medical checks, issue certificates of fitness for service and take samples.

For healthcare providers

We offer healthcare providers the possibility to prescribe iron infusion drugs and have them administered at our infusion center.

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