


Our previous missions and collaborations

Find out more about our missions and collaborations with the life sciences and healthcare sectors.

Sweden's largest vaccinator in 2019


Challenge: The aim was to increase the availability of vaccinations and the flow of customers to pharmacies. The long-term goal was to become a leading player in vaccinations by expanding the number of pharmacies, opening hours, range of vaccinations, other health services and geographical coverage across Sweden.

Adxto's solution: Adxto Care, on behalf of Apoteket AB, has been running vaccination clinics in pharmacies all over Sweden since 2016. It has been particularly successful in regions where vaccination opportunities have been limited, for example at health centers.

Results: In 2019, Adxto Care was Sweden's largest vaccinator with 80 clinics around the country where we vaccinated 155,000 doses in pharmacies throughout Sweden. In total, 140 nurses and doctors worked on the vaccination project. In Region Stockholm and in Uppsala, Adxto was part of the free healthcare choice during the flu period. In most pharmacies, vaccination activities were expanded to include other patient-oriented services such as blood pressure checks, blood sugar checks and throat tests. Want to know more? Contact Pontus



Patient support at home


Challenge: Our client provides specialized neurological treatment for chronically ill patients at home. The challenge has been an overly complicated treatment where patients have needed help to titrate doses both at home and in hospitals. The aim of the project is to increase clinical efficacy and patient safety in the treatment of the customer's product.

Adxto's solution: Adxto currently has tripartite agreements with 25 hospitals. Our partnership involves providing specially trained nurses to train hospital and home care staff on behalf of clinics. Our nurses offer patients the opportunity to receive treatment for Parkinson's disease in their own homes and provide them with training and telephone support (technical support). We provide feedback to the responsible clinic and are responsible for the traceability of medical devices. Record keeping is done at Adxto. The project is conducted in Sweden and Denmark.

Results and success factors: The collaborative project has enabled access and increased patient support for those patients using the client's product. It has created a better and safer patient journey and treatment outcome. Want to know more? Contact Johan

"Our collaboration with Adxto has enabled access and service for patients using our products.
We appreciate Adxto's professional nurses' work and high level of service."

Kristoffer Meyner, COO at NordicInfu Care AB

Diabetes Wellness


Challenge: Diabetes Wellness is a fundraising foundation that has been working since 2007 to disseminate information about diabetes to the public and support diabetes-related research. Their challenge has been the staffing of nurses for their public blood glucose monitoring activities.

Adxto's solution: Adxto offers the rental of nursing services for Diabetes Wellness events where our nurses take blood sugar checks on the public. This takes place at fun runs and other community activities around the country with the aim of spreading information about diabetes, disease awareness and encouraging a healthy lifestyle. Our nurses also help provide telephone and email support for questions about diabetes.

Results: Together we have succeeded in identifying individuals with undetected disease and referring them for care. We have thus been able to prevent people at risk of developing diabetes from becoming ill in the long term. Want to know more? Contact Sofia

"Our collaboration with Adxto has always worked very well and we are very pleased with the work that the nurses do.
The nurses are nice, competent and well versed in what we do at Diabetes Wellness. It is often the same
nurses who return to our events, which means that we do not have to train new staff every time, which makes our work easier".

Jacob Andersson, Diabetes Wellness


COPD screening project


Challenge: On behalf of pharmaceutical companies in the Philippines, there was a need to identify individuals with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and create disease awareness around the disease in the country. The challenge is that many people live with the disease without knowledge and diagnosis.

Adxto's solution: Adxto has implemented COPD screening tests (FBS/HbA1c/HPN/spirometry/medical check-up) for the general public, in shopping malls and other public places, with the aim of identifying individuals with undetected disease in order to refer them for care. The tests were performed by our nurses, doctors and respiratory therapists who were trained in the field and to treat confidential patient information and report adverse events in accordance with our customers' policies.

Results: In total, Adxto has run screening tests throughout the Philippines with about 200 employed nurses, doctors and pulmonary therapists working in the project. We have managed to identify individuals with undetected COPD and refer them for treatment. Through the project, we have been able to contribute to an early diagnosis that can slow down the course of the disease and reduce mortality. Would you like to know more? Contact Johan


Enzyme support


Challenge: Studies show that only 30-50% comply with prescribed drug treatment. This may be due to ignorance, disease denial, misunderstanding, forgetfulness and decreased motivation over time. Customer wants to increase adherence to prescribed drug treatment of their product for patients diagnosed with endocrine pancreatic insufficiency to reduce gastrointestinal discomfort, increase QoL and increase dose.

Adxto's solution: The purpose of Adxto's digital Patient Support Programs is to create a bridge between healthcare and home care by providing additional support in the patient's home without the physical presence of healthcare professionals. The goal of the Patient Support Programs is to increase medication adherence through text messages, emails, data collection and nurse calls from Adxto. The pharmaceutical company sponsors the patient support program which is free of charge for the patient. The pharmaceutical company in turn receives the right statistics and information on how the medicine is working.

Results: Through targeted education, support and motivation, we have improved patient adherence to their prescription as there has generally been an increase in dose within the rec interval for all 140 patients in the program. In this way, we can obtain the optimal effect of the treatment and follow up the actual use and treatment from the patient's perspective. The result has been improved bowel habits and less stomach symptoms, being able to eat all the food, feeling more alert and better QoL. Patients have also experienced a sense of care and security. Want to know more? Contact Pontus


Adherence project KOL


Challenge: The aim of the project was to create and test a methodology and program to identify COPD patients and increase their adherence to the use of the customer's product. The goal was to include 80 newly diagnosed COPD patients, newly started on inhalation of the product.

Adxto's solution: Adxto created a program designed to support each individual patient for 12 months with the aim of increasing adherence by 30% units at the end of the program. This compared to a baseline where only 25% of COPD patients remain on the customer's product after 12 months. Adxto recruited patients in collaboration with doctors at health centers and screening days. Our specially trained nurse provided telephone support and assistance for one year to ensure patients used the product correctly, increase adherence and get patients to quit smoking for better QoL.

Results: Patients had an adherence rate of 80% at 6 months follow-up (previously 35%) and 75% at 18 months follow-up (previously 25%). Want to know more? Contact Johan

Patient voices from the project

  • "Positive feeling that someone cares"
  • "Good to be able to ask questions about the medicine in particular"
  • "I feel that I have experienced a bit of pressure regarding smoking, but I can recommend the support program."
  • "Good reminders about lifestyle changes"
  • "The support program would have been more useful to me if I had received it earlier in the course of my illness"


Infusion reception


Challenge/Purpose: Customer wants to contribute to better infusion support for patients prescribed their medicines. There are limited resources and experience in the healthcare system to do this. Patients need continuous infusion therapy and trained nurses are required to administer the drug and monitor for possible side effects.

Adxto's solution: Adxto offers physicians, who do not have the space or resources to take care of infusion treatments in their own clinic, an opportunity to prescribe the client's medication and maintain patient accountability while outsourcing the administration of the infusion treatment to Adxto's infusion clinic. Patients have also been offered the option of booking infusion appointments after working hours, which has led Adxto to try to adapt infusion times to the patient's preferences.

Results: Through the collaboration project, the right patients get access to drug treatment at Adxto's clinic, while the healthcare system is relieved of the burden of administering infusion therapy after a treatment decision has been made. As a result of our infusion projects, Adxto has been Sweden's largest private infusion clinic, performing the most biological infusions in the country. Want to know more? Contact Magnus





Challenge/purpose: Our central location in Stockholm makes it easier for patients to access healthcare and carry out various tests. It also means that companies can offer a more personalized service for their products. Want to know more? Contact Johan.

"Our collaboration with Adxto has increased the availability of our customers for sampling with our products. We appreciate Adxto clinic's central location in Stockholm and the work and service of the professional nurses".

Magnus Refthammar, Director product development, Dynamic Code


Quality assurance project at neurology clinic


Challenge: The clinic wanted to improve the quality and care of MS patients. The clinic also wanted to improve clinical processes and ensure good infusion support.

Adxto Solution: Adxto set up a working group that worked together to map, describe and improve the Neurology Clinic's clinical processes. The project group has held regular project meetings in the working group where project tasks have been followed up and reported orally and in writing. The project group has worked according to the following structure:

  • The practices and procedures of the clinic have been described in a baseline analysis.
  • Areas for improvement have been identified.
  • Targets for improvement have been clarified.
  • Continuous improvement work and reconciliations have taken place according to set targets.
  • The project work has been summarized and reported.

Results: The clinic was able to optimize routines for patient visits, which led to improved use of resources and increased patient availability, patient safety and staff continuity. The quality assurance work has also led to common treatment routines at the neurology clinics and improved routines for registration in and use of data in the MS register as a basis for analysis of treatment administered at group level.

The work on treatment development has led to new practices. The regular project meetings held have also been of value to the clinic. The project team has held regular project meetings in the working group where project tasks have been followed up and reported orally and in writing. The results of the project have been evaluated by the Director of Operations. All evaluation parameters in the evaluation form have been rated good or very good. Would you like to know more? Contact Johan


Outsourcing of sales teams


Challenge: Pharmaceutical companies want to expand their national sales team for Sweden in a short time.

Adxto's solution: Adxto (formerly Mimerex) knows that the ability for a company to build high performing teams is extremely important. This is what Adxto is best at and something we have been helping our clients with for over 20 years. Our experience shows that skills and capabilities are important for the task, but for performance it is the personality and joy of the team that matters. With our broad network in the pharmaceutical industry, we managed to quickly set up a sales team with a good group dynamic for the customer.

Results: Expanding the sales force with contractors in a fast and flexible way has increased market presence resulting in increased sales and market share for the client's product. Want to know more? Contact Pontus

"Mimerex managed to put together a national sales team for us in a very short time. We are very satisfied with the creative and professional work done".

Ingalill Hyltander, Business Unit Manager, Bayer


Consulting services Nordic countries


Challenge: FrostPharma has been in need of a flexible HR partner to help the company in their expansive growth in the Nordics.

Adxto's solution: With over 20 years of experience in life sciences, Adxto has provided advice and support to companies looking to expand, restructure or start up. Our collaboration with FrostPharma is about strengthening with staff and expertise when needed. Our consultants can step in at short notice and increase the efficiency and flexibility of the business, as well as facilitating various types of restructuring. We have also helped the company with recruitment.

Results: With our consultants, we have been able to help the client to quickly establish and expand their business in all Nordic countries where they operate to provide pharmaceutical options for children and adults with special needs. Want to know more? Contact Pontus

"FrostPharma's close collaboration with the Adxto Group in terms of resources and knowledge has led to rapid growth for our establishment in the Nordic region".

Clas Lindbergson, CEO Frostpharma AB


Product launch in the Nordics


Challenge: A North American pharmaceutical company is introducing a new treatment and needs to set up a Nordic sales organization to launch their product in all Nordic countries. The client has no legal entity or corporate structure in the Nordics and wants to launch their product directly after EMEA approval.

Adxto's solution: In four weeks, Adxto (formerly Mimerex) recruited an entire Nordic team and provided full HR services through the project.

Results: The project has resulted in the company being able to establish itself and its product in a short time without all the administration required to manage staff in four countries. Want to know more? Contact Pontus

In a very short time, Adxto (formerly Mimerex) managed to put together a complete Nordic sales team for us. We are very satisfied with the focused and professional work that is done.

Georg Nagl, Managing Director, subrosa Healthcare & Capital GmbH


Shared sales force


Challenge: Today, there is a lot of competition for market presence and healthcare professionals' time when it comes to setting up sales meetings. Two customers want to increase their market presence with a cost-effective solution.

Adxto's solution: Adxto offers customers a shared sales force. The product specialists, together with Adxto's sales manager, work with products from two different, non-competing pharmaceutical companies, within an agreed geographic area, targeting specific customer groups. The pharmaceutical companies share the meeting time, costs and Adxto leads the sales team. Adxto handles sales training, meeting bookings and coaching. Adxto reports back to the sales managers of the pharmaceutical companies.

Results: We have several successful projects with shared sales forces. The main benefits have been increased access to customers in a cost-effective way. There has also been positive feedback from healthcare professionals who have appreciated effective, interesting meetings, sometimes when two medicines have been able to complement each other in the same therapeutic area. Want to know more? Contact Pontus


Hire a consultant


Challenge: Client needs to fill a vacancy in their team for 1 year due to parental leave.

Adxto's solution: With Adxto's solid industry experience, broad contact network and our consultants' flexible approach, we can quickly cover the customer's vacancy with the right person at a good price.

Result: The client has been able to continue to drive their team forward, without losing momentum, thanks to a driven and competent consultant on site for handover on time. Want to know more? Contact Pontus

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